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Nonagenarian Mardo Williams’s Acclaimed Novel Wins Prestigious Award
Mardo’s daughters, Kay Williams {center) and Jerri Williams Lawrence (right), accept a 2009 OHIOANA CITATION for Writing and Editing Excellence for finishing One Last Dance from Linda Hengst (left), Executive Director of the Ohioana Library Association.
[ More Photos, OHIOANA Citation ]
Book Clubs! Want the authors to participate?
To schedule Kay Williams and Jerri Williams Lawrence for your Book Club (by speaker phone or in person), please contact Calliope Press. Kay and Jerri can answer questions about the fact behind the fiction of One Last Dance; why their dad needed to write this book; the challenges they faced in finishing it; and more. [ View Book Discussion Questions ]
Libraries, Senior Centers, Women’s Organizations! Want a multi-media program for your group?
Kay and Jerri can bring a Powerpoint program (with photos and video clips) to your group (if you are within an 80-mile radius of Columbus, Ohio or within a 50-mile radius of New York City). The show highlights their Dad’s background and his perseverance in finishing the first draft of One Last Dance despite major health roadblocks —and his philosophy about the importance of living life to its fullest and never giving up no matter what one’s age. [ View References Below ] They perform a humorous dramatic reading from the book and answer questions. To book a Powerpoint program, contact please contact Calliope Press.
"THANK YOU, Kay and Jerri, for coming to Mt. Victory and doing your wonderful presentation. It is always so interesting to hear the whole process of how a story comes together and the wonderful, often amusing anecdotes of your father's life. Our discussion group will have much to talk about when we next meet."
-Cindy Zachman, Ridgemont Library
"Thank you for coming to tell the story behind the story of One Last Dance. Your natural charisma is exceeded only by the charm of the wonderful story of your father's book and the part the two of you played in it."
-Sharon Gehrlich, Program Coordinator, Friendship Village of Dublin
"Thank you for bringing to the Upper Arlington Public Library your excellent presentation about One Last Dance: It's Never Too Late to Fall in Love. I thought your slides and skit were very nice ways to present the flavor of the book and the philosophy of your father. The two of you are talented in many ways. Together with your father, you have a family rich in talent. I agree with the audience, the book's story would make a great movie."
-Nancy Hartshorn, Adult Program Coordinator, UA Library
"I wanted to let you know how much we appreciated your wonderful presentation on Sunday! I know all the attendees enjoyed themselves immensely. Your father had an amazing outlook on life, and by doing this program, you are spreading that optimism to so many others."
-Tamara Murray, Program Coordinator, Westerville Public Library
"Thank you so much for bringing your father's writings to us. The residents have repeatedly told me how much they enjoyed your presentations. Hopefully we'll see you again!"
-Debra Morrison, Activities/Program Director, Feridean Commons
"We appreciated all your efforts that made our evening so successful. Your program validates the feelings and emotions, the trials and triumphs of being a senior in today's world. The book is also great reading! I'm halfway through and wish I had more time to read. I love it!"
-Gisela Slayman, Activities/Program Director, Kensington Place
"Thank you very much for the fantastic program. Everyone who came really enjoyed it. I know I did. And those two ladies were so enthusiastic and complimentary. Thanks again for the great program and feel free to use me as a reference."
-Kristie Morrison, Program Director Ashland Public Library
(l to r) Kay Williams, Mardo Williams and Jerri Williams Lawrence |
A story about finding love at any age, One Last Dance is the delightful tale of Morgan, aged 89, and Dixie, 79, two "mature" individuals on seemingly divergent paths. Despite their disastrous first meeting, complete with a ruined birthday cake, broken eyeglasses and insulting remarks, it was obvious to bystanders, even then, that the two were fated for each other. Written with great humor and a deep understanding of the challenges associated with aging in America, One Last Dance is a joy to read and an inspiration to all generations, reminding us to live every day and always be in search of new experiences, regardless of age. Author Mardo Williams lived that philosophy, by writing this, his first novel, at age 92.
One Last Dance follows the relationship of Dixie and Morgan, as they begin to date and ultimately decide to move in together - for economic reasons, they agree. But the business-only relationship changes and strengthens as the couple unite to combat illness, scandal and a near-fatal accident. It's also a tale about how insecurities, humiliations and fears, thought long past, can haunt a person throughout his days. Dixie fears intimacy. Morgan has concealed important details about his divorce, his estranged children, and his lost job. And all the while, a mysterious intruder lurks, bent on vengeance for past wrongs. He invades their lives, exposing their most intimate secrets and lies.
From the Publisher
In America, the emphasis is on youth. Very few books of fiction feature an 89-year-old man and a 79-year woman as leading characters and, beyond that, romantic leading characters. Morgan and Dixie are real people, not caricatures, as older people often are portrayed. Will Dixie and Morgan be daring enough-or lonely enough-to take a chance on life and love and possibly fail? Who better to write about their adventures than a man of 92, who late in his years found the courage himself to take several chances.
A third major character, Tony, mysterious, slightly sinister, surfaces in Chapter 2. When he, Morgan and Dixie meet face-to-face, their lives are turned upside down. They embark on a journey none of them expected to make. Near the end of the book, Morgan thinks, bemused, Who'd ever believe the best things that happened to me happened at age 90?
The book is touching, charming, and humorous-even laugh-out-loud funny, but at the heart of it are serious issues: the challenges of aging, the difficulties of finding satisfactory healthcare, the conflicts between generations, the importance of love and emotional support. All are explored in the novel through the eyes of Morgan, Dixie, and the "mysterious stranger"-making it a very discussible book. A Reading Group Guide is included.
ISBN: 09649241-4-5
Hard cover books (list price-$22.95) from Baker & Taylor, Partners, Ingram and Calliope Press. Ask Calliope Press for special discount to Reading Groups. One Last Dance makes an excellent gift for friends, family, or yourself. You can purchase this book now by visiting Book Clearing House, Amazon.com, or bn.com.
ISBN: 0-9649241-5-3
Large Print Edition (paper) (list price $21.95) You can purchase this edition through Ingram, Baker & Taylor, or directly from Calliope Press, Amazon.com, or bn.com.