"Twenty-one brief and chuckle-filled stories are packed into this ‘family read-aloud book,’ written by a great-grandfather who has generations of experience in the parenting field. The tales tell of the impish Puckerdoodles: Teenie, Weenie, Waddles and baby Toodlebug. Kids will enjoy the antics and illustrations as Williams captures the magic of childhood wonder—learning to spit watermelon seeds, falling in love with a first puppy, selecting ice cream at the local parlor. The story of a crabby toddler who gets up on the wrong side of the bed is guaranteed to elicit big grins. An excellent pick for parents to read aloud, young readers ages 7 to 10 also will enjoy saying the very words in these stories—marshmallows, Britches the dog, kazoo, six-shooters, Ma and Pa Fuddyduddy and the children's silly names. Williams has a true talent for language, and the illustrations are colorful and cute without upstaging the stories."
Today's Librarian
"'Great-Grandpa Fussy and the Little Puckerdoodles' by Mardo Williams is a book of 21 stories of lovely family experiences with his sweet grandchildren. Each story contains creativity, entertainment, and fun, especially for kids. His stories are everyday stories that many families have experienced, making them even more special and magical for anyone who reads them. I love 'Wishing on a Star.' It is a very cute story that made me remember my own experience when I was a kid, and my daughter’s experience.
Mr. Williams shares in this book that special touch and love between grandchildren and grandparents; the bonding that only love and dedication can create. The book was written not only for kids, but also for the entire family. It provides a great excuse for everyone to sit down and enjoy all the common journeys from the Puckerdoodles, and have a delightful time.
The pictures and colors on every page are simply beautiful and caring. It is definitely a book to keep on your shelf as one of your favorites to share, for many more moments to come. As a mom, I loved it and my daughter simply loved and enjoyed it, as well."
Juliana Leal, www.readerviewskids.com
"We are having such a chuckle over the stories in your Dad's book. What a way to honor a family and its many generations: Never to forget the good times of growing up and being loved. I don't care what is said, we can never underestimate the value of extended family on the youngest generation."
Susan Scott, Grandmother of 6, former home economics teacher with Worthington Schools
"What a delightful story! I loved the generational inclusion and the warmth of the family ties that are the foundation for this endearing story. Yukiko Mishima's illustrations are masterful and engaging and add depth to the story. Highly recommended!"
Dolores A McCabe
"Mardo Williams is an author for the ages. Ms. Mishima's style is colorful, atmospheric, and primitive..."
Ralph Gardner, New York Observer
"Great-Grandpa Fussy and the Little Puckerdoodles is an excellent new title, with wonderfully illustrated stories. The author is 94 and the illustrator is 23, but the stories are timeless."
Alan Caruba,Bookviews
"Great-Grandpa Fussy is himself the biggest kid in these family tales, as he
offers both childlike fun and parenting wisdom. Every family needs a
relative so naturally tuned in to the real lives of children."
Lilian B. Mullane, Director Riverside Early Learning Center, New York City Educational Consultant, Pleasantville, New York
"The characters have just the sort of whimsical names kids love and are
involved in just the sort of everyday adventures kids can identify with. The
stories are a tribute to cross generational family life and values."
Pat Gill, Former Librarian Evening Street Elementary School
"These are adorable, funny, interesting stories and beautifully illustrated.
Yukiko Mishima has a whimsical flair to her drawings and wonderful use of
color. I intend to make a gift of Great Grandpa Fussy and the Little
Puckerdoodles to several of my best friends (who are first time
Sharon White, Expectant Grandmother
"The stories are rich in their very simplicity. Yukiko Mishima's
illustrations reflect the same masterful 'simplicity.' The stories tell of
many adventures, both entertaining and instructive. But best of all they
provide a secure place that offers the reader good cheer and gentle
Kathy Piper Professional Puppeteer, Past-president of The Puppeteers of America
"A delightful collection of short stories perfect for naptime and bedtime reading. Great thought has been given to including stories perfect for holiday reading as well. The wide variety of vocabulary provides opportunity for children to learn new words such as what is "falsetto," what does "cock of the walk" mean, and what's "a nook and cranny"? The humorous illustrations allow children to participate as they point to their favorite ice cream flavor and laugh at the antics of the Puckerdoodle children."
Linda Meinelt, School Librarian
"Every day family events and family members make up this wonderful collection of stories. The storyteller has a gift for helping the reader see the humor, fun, and excitement that abound in family life. Colorful illustrations enhance the stories beautifully, capturing the activities and personalities of this delightful intergenerational family."
Sara Burneson Elementary Language Arts Coordinator Elementary Principal

The Little Puckerdoodles Mardo's Great-Grandchildren (left to right), Katie (Toodlebug), Daniel (Weenie), Holly (Teenie), Christopher (Waddles)
"The 21 stories in Great-Grandpa Fussy and the Little Puckerdoodles are all so different and make sense in their own way. They all make sense put together into one big story. The characters are really good. Waddles is really like a two-year-old, crying and wanting his own way. I like the way Great-Grandpa Fussy can tell you stuff because he knows a lot (like in the stories about the Flummy Wumpus). Teenie reminds me of me. She has long hair and likes to play with dolls. I like Weenie winning the soccer game and the way Toodlebug, the new baby sister, gets all the attention."
"I like the creative name the Little Puckerdoodles gave their dog, Britches, and the way you show how the dog goes with them to different places.I like the way you use the words in the stories, like in Teenie Dreams a Picnic and Wishing on a Star. I learned new words."
Annabelle Einhorn, Age 7
"Yukiko Mishima's energetic and colorful images admirably showcase Mardo Williams' original and very charming collection of 21 entertaining stories for young readers ages 5 and older."
Jim Cox, Midwest Book Review
"Great-Grandpa Fussy and the Little Puckerdoodles catches those magical everyday moments when age doesn't matter but family does. The book will delight children and their parents, grandparents, and of course great-grandparents. Mardo Williams's charming stories and Yukiko Mishima's captivating illustrations are rooted in humor, wonder and love."
P.M. Carlson, Author of Renowned Be Thy Grave
"The adventures of three little ones and their family are accompanied by action-filled, charming illustrations. The relationships of great-grandad, mother, father and siblings are detailed in everyday activities. The 21 short adventures contain topics school-aged children can relate to. The stories are great for bedtime and give younger readers a sense of continuation."
MTM, Children's Book Review Service
"It's a fun, family read-aloud book. The names of the characters are sure to bring giggles galore. The delightful illustrations simply enhance the 21 heartwarming stories."
Victoria Grimes, Today's Family
"Lots of laugh and dabs of philosophy celebrate the unique bond between children & their great-grandparents.Yukiko Mishima's enchanting illustrations are a joyous & colorful addition & bring the stories to life."